Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Two Annotations

ELLENBOGEN, PHILIP. "Beyond the Border: A Comparative Look at Prison Rape in the United States and Canada." Columbia Journal of Law & Social Problems 42.3 (2009): 335-72. Web.
Ellenbogen examines and analyzes the background of prison rape and the current laws in place in both the United States and Canada. Ellenbogen then suggests factors that may contribute to the prevalence of prison rape in U.S. prisons compared to Canadian prisons. Ellenbogen concludes his study with the proposition of reforming prison rules to reduce occurrences of prison rape. This study will be very useful for my research on many different levels. The background of prison rape section brings to life the pain and struggle inmates suffer every day. For example here is a quote provided from a teen prisoner who was arrested for setting a dumpster on fire, “Since I was placed in prison… I have found myself to be more mentally and emotionally destroyed than I have ever been. I’m very sorry to end my life this way. But if I don’t do this, someone will. I’m saying I’d rather die of my own free will than be killed. I love you Mom and Dad” (Ellenbogen 335). Not only does this study discuss the psychological and physiological damage from sexual violence, it also provides specific information on the laws and practices that have been developed to end prison rape. This will be an invaluable source for my argument on the damages of prison rape and the need for it to be stopped.

Jones, Tonisha R., and Travis C. Pratt. "The Prevalence of Sexual Violence in Prison: The State of the Knowledge Base and Implications for Evidence-Based Correctional Policy Making." International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology 52.3 (2008): 280-95. Web.
This study discusses the debate on the prevalence of sexual violence in U.S. prisons and the significance of the problem. This study’s main focus is to “discuss the key methodological issues surrounding the studies that have addressed the prevalence of sexual victimization in prisons, in an effort to assess what the best estimates or prevalence of sexual victimization may be” (Jones and Travis 287). This source supplies me with the information to identify the flaws of studies that claim prison rape is a rare occurrence. I will use this source to support my argument that sexual violence and prison rape is a very large, significant problem that must be addressed.

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