Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Power Free Write

In attempting to write this essay I have been met with the great difficulty of simply not having a good understanding of the material. Reading Berger and Foucault makes me feel as if I just took Vick’s Nyquil, one second I’m awake, the next I’m out cold. But even when I do manage to read through consecutive pages without my eyelids drooping I still feel as though I am at a complete loss as to what is going on. Then there is Kanye West’s music video. I feel silly comparing Kanye West to Berger and Foucault. I also feel as though it is an injustice to credit West for all of the symbolism in the video when I believe he probably had very little part in it. Ok, that is the last of my complaints. For the essay I will try and show that power is something that can be created but not controlled.

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