Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thesis Statements and Questions

1.     How has the television as an invention changed the American household and family life?

Life before television is something that many people can barely remember and for some cannot even imagine. Television has shaped the very foundation of American values and beliefs. Television also dictates how many Americans plan their time and even schedule their lives.

2.     Should college athletes be paid to play?
A very hot topic in collegiate football and basketball is whether or not the student athletes should be paid. I believe that a student athlete is just that, a student. Once they start paying collegiate athletes than high school players will want compensation. Only problems can come from paying students to play sports.

3.     Some standardized tests scores factor in to how much money a school will receive in the next fiscal year. Is this an ethical way to demand accountability from a school, or does this further punish lower-performing schools?

It is not ethical to fund a school less for lower test scores. By reducing funding they are only hurting the students who may come from low socioeconomic areas where little value is placed on education. Many children have enough struggles and receiving less aid than other children should not be one of them.

4.     Not considering the United States, what is the most powerful nation on the planet? Explain the criteria used in making this judgment.

This is a question that fascinates me because I’m not sure if there is a single correct answer. The obvious first thought would be China but I do not believe that is correct. In order to argue that any country is the most powerful I would have to define what power is and how countries attain it.

5.     Is sexual violence in U.S. prisons a major problem and how could it be stopped?

Although many Americans view male on male sexual violence in prisons as a minor or non-issue, prison rape is a large-scale problem that must have steps taken to reduce or stop its occurrences altogether.

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